Grandmaster C. S. Kim and the International Tang Soo Do Federation
New River Tang Soo Do is a proud member school of the International Tang Soo Do Federation. In the early spring of 1984, the International Tang Soo Do Federation was founded by Grandmaster C. S. Kim. The goal in the formation of the I.T.F. was to maintain the high standards of authentic Tang Soo Do.
Teaching this martial art in its original form gave much needed roots to many thousands of Tang Soo Do practitioners world-wide. To achieve this goal, Grandmaster C. S. Kim has dedicated a lifetime of training to create a standardization of instruction. With unending dedication, time and patience, Grandmaster C. S. Kim has brought the peace and harmony of traditional Tang Soo Do into the lives of thousands of practitioners.
Grandmaster C. S. Kim came to the martial art of Tang Soo Do at the early age of ten. He has achieved many prestigious honors including:
-Over eight covers and features in National and International Publications.
-Korean Team Captain of the 5th Asian Karate Tournament – Malaysia, 1969.
-Korean Heavyweight Champion, 1st World Karate Championship – Japan, 1970.
-Head Instructor for U.S. servicemen at the Osan Military Base in South Korea.
-1980 U. S. Team Coach.
-1988 All American Hall of Fame at Madison Square Garden, N.Y.
-Former President of the United States Tang Soo Do Federation.
-Founder and President of the International Tang Soo Do Federation.
-1995 Black Belt Magazine Man of the Year Hall of Fame Award Winner
As a martial artist, you will receive many benefits from associating with the International Tang Soo Do Federation. The I.T.F. is an organization of martial artists who believe in the preservation of traditional values and standards. As President and Founder of the International Tang Soo Do Federation, Grandmaster C. S. Kim appointed a Board of Directors to assist him in achieving his goals and in maintaining the standards of excellence set forth by the Federation and its leadership. Each member Grandmaster Kim has appointed is a Master of superb technical ability with a deep spiritual commitment to the preservation of traditional Tang Soo Do. A Central Headquarters has been established in Monroeville, Pennsylvania and all Instructors and students are encouraged to visit and enjoy the opportunity to train and learn under Grandmaster C. S. Kim.
The International Tang Soo Do Federation has instituted a program of guidelines and standardization to maximize the benefits for all practitioners. This standardization includes not only the technical aspects of Tang Soo Do, but also the methods of instruction as applied by each I.T.F. registered and certified Kyo Sa Nim (instructor) world-wide! Standardization and consistency allow students the ease of training at any I.T.F. Do Jang while visiting other regions or cities. This also ensures that, for generations to come, Tang Soo Do will continue to be taught in its original form.
The International Tang Soo Do Federation has utilized several avenues of media to assist in maintaining standardization of training and instruction. Grandmaster C. S. Kim has produced a series of five Video Tapes, highly educational, and recommended to all Tang Soo Do practitioners. These video tapes cover Basic Techniques, One-step Sparring, Breaking and Hyung. The International Tang Soo Do Federation also produces a newsletter, “The Tang Soo Times,” in which History, Philosophy and Technical information are discussed. Coverage of current events such as seminars, tournaments and tests are also included. Articles are submitted by senior instructors and students.
Consistency of training and instruction is established through technical clinics, tournaments and business seminars that are held periodically throughout the United States. Grandmaster C. S. Kim takes great joy in attending and instructing these events personally, along with senior Master Instructors.
Grandmaster Kim has established guidelines for each member school and Instructor within the International Tang Soo Do Federation. Each I.T.F. member Do Jang is inspected periodically, and all Senior Instructors must be certified as a Kyo Sa Nim (Instructor) by the I.T.F. Testing Board. All Chief Instructors, Assistant Instructors and Black Belts are required to re-certify their rank twice annually. Re-certification tests are conducted in conjunction with regional Black Belt Promotional Tests held each spring and fall. The primary consideration of this procedure is to ensure standardization of training and to develop exceptional, quality instructors.
Quite possibly, the greatest benefit you may realize as an International Tang Soo Do Federation practitioner, is the firmly rooted technical and philosophical linage inherited from the thousands of years of history which created and defined the art as we practice it today. This is not just our hope, but our responsibility.